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Railway Transport

CF&S offers a full line of rail services that meet your needs and preferences.

Our main routes cover the Baltic States, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Mongolia, China and Central Asia. We use our own fleet to meet different customer needs, which guarantees the security of delivery of the shipment.

Advantages of rail transport:

  • The railway makes it possible to send large volumes of goods at once.
  • Weather fluctuations do not affect the movement of goods.
  • Pre-declaration allows goods to cross the border faster compared to other modes of transport.
  • Fixed tariffs allow you to calculate the cost of transportation in advance for a longer period of time.
  • The mode of transport is safe, reliable, and environmentally friendly.

Platform wagons with a wooden floor 80′ (model 23-469-07) are perfect for transporting long goods, agricultural, and construction equipment.  The length of the platform wagon is 24 m, which gives the possibility to load  up to two 40′ containers or up to four 20′ containers. Wooden-floored 60′ platform wagons (model 13-935A-04) are well suited
  for the carriage of tracked vehicles or wheeled equipment. The platform wagon is 18.4 m long and can hold one 40′ or up to three 20′ containers.

In 161 m3 closed wagons, it  is possible to send various unpackaged and packaged goods.

CF&S is a responsible company. Our aim is to reduce the environmental impact and give priority to environmentally friendly means of transport.


Vitali Pavlushin
head of railway department
Vitali Pavlushin

Rail Transport

What kind of documents will you need for cargo transport by rail in case of import?

You will need Railway bill and cargo invoices if you want to transport your cargo by rail in the case of import.

What kind of documents will you need for cargo transport by rail in case of export?

You will need Railway bill and cargo invoices if you want to transport the cargo by rail transport in the case of export.

How many pallets can you fit into a wagon?

Closed wagons with body volume of 150 m3 or 161 m3 can fit up to 42 pallets in a single layer.

How long will it take to reach destinations by train?

This depends on how and where your shipment is being transported, as well as upon the number of stations your shipment crosses.

What kind of services are offered by CF&S Rail department??

CF&S is mainly involved in the transportation of:

  • 20’ and 40’ shippers’ own and railway containers
  • Oversized and project shipments, such as equipment and machinery
  • Timber products like saw logs and pulpwood saw timber, plywood, hard- and chipboard
  • Liquid fuels like gasoline, petroleum, oil products 
  • Building materials
  • Pulp and paper products
  • Foodstuff

Do you have a suitable platform for shipping loads where they can be carried?

Yes, you will get a proper setup and platform, which is needed for the packaging and shipping of cargo.

What is the method of shipping and transportation?

You will get the best and safe method of shipping here.

  • Preparation and arrangement of the transportation of different cargo types, including project and oversize cargo.
  • Commercial lease of railway wagons and containers.
  • Loading operations at railway stations/HUBs and port terminals.
  • Preparation of shipping documents.

How can a customer contact us?

You can contact us in two ways. To get your booking now fill out the Request a Quote form or send an email to

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